Chicago: An Overview

Chicago Ov.

Bonky, the traveler

SMOTH — We went to Chicago last February for reading week, and it was a damn fine time. It wasn’t a big trip for Bonky the world traveler, but for me it meant my first time out of country sans-parents, and only my third time on a plane. The  crux of the trip was going to see the band ‘Why?’ in concert, and escape the rigors of life for a while, both of which Chicago accomplished most effectively.

I booked the hotel in Lincoln Park to be close to Lincoln Hall where the concert was happening. In hindsight, I would have booked closer to downtown, because cabbing got expensive, and that’s where we spent most of our time.


Sturgeon face at Chicago’s John G. Shedd Aquarium

We were quintessential tourists, hitting up the aquarium on the first day, walking the “Magnificent Mile,” window shopping at every opportunity, and of course admiring Chicago’s famous architecture. We saw the Bean, the library and ate some fantastic food (which I’ll expand on in a separate post.) Honestly, Chicago must be one of the great tourist destination for brief stays. It seemed like we got to experience a great deal in a short time and only wanted more.

Tiffany dome inside the library

Tiffany dome inside the library

We walked a great deal, and while it was freezing, I can’t recommend it more, even in the winter. The buildings are so astounding, you don’t want to merely cruise by in a car. Toronto’s architecture truly pales in comparison. We saw “Old Chicago” and it had a lot of personality and culture. Great little shops and cafes, and a well-stocked cigar shop for enthusiasts like myself. Definitely worthy of a walk-through if you’re bored of the downtown grandeur.

Yoni, kickin' it with the crowd.

Yoni, kickin’ it with the crowd.

Our last night there was the Why? concert, and it was wonderful. Yoni Wolf is a fantastic performer, and although I had a bit much to drink, I loved it, as did Bonky. Great band, and Lincoln Hall was an awesome venue, very intimate. We sat on the balcony to avoid the dance floor crush, but that would have been neat in its own way.

Selfie in the Bean

Selfie in the Bean.

All in all, a wonderful, albeit brief, trip. Chicago is a damn good city and very accessible from Toronto, with a reasonably priced flight. We stayed at the Days Inn in Lincoln Park, but the accommodations were only so-so, and the location was far from ideal. I recommend somewhere closer to downtown, but other than that I have nothing bad to say about our time in Chicago. 

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